Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Experiments gone bad and envelopes.

Hey All,

The organization/decluttering moves on which I will show you soon.  I've even started some painting!  But that is for another day.... today, I'm sharing an experiment I read on one of the blogs I enjoy reading. 

It said using a paste made of baking soda and water would clean a stubborn dirty oven door.  Yes. My oven door were both dirty and stubborn.  So, while I was doing some cleaning I decided to give this a try. 

So first you make the thick paste, but not too thick.... thick enough that it will stick, but still be easy to smear.  Which I did.....

Next you were suppose to let it sit for at least 30 minutes.... longer if necessary.... everything including the window are suppose to sparkle after you wipe away the baking soda.

I let mine sit...... 45 minutes in I did a test and saw that it needed to sit longer.

I let it sit.

For 3 hours.

And after all that plus some pretty arm aching elbow grease.... I got......


At best, the window was slightly cleaner.....  so yeah, skip this piece of advice.... save the paste for your bathtub or something.....

Now on to more fun things..... envelopes.  What?  Envelopes aren't exciting for you?  What if I said they are money envelopes?  See.... I got your attention.... anyway, as you know I am on the Dave Ramsey Money Plan.... and in that plan you use envelopes to keep your money separated into different categories.... for us, we use the grocery envelope the most.  And this is my old one.... you can see why I said OK, time for you to go..... thanks dear friend....

Good Times we had.  Good times.

I have since replaced this envelope with a new crisp money envelope from our bank.  I know you can buy or make more permanent envelopes, but you forget who you're talking to..... I get bank envelopes for free and absolutely no work.... yea, that's how I roll.

Until next time friends!

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