Tuesday, February 19, 2013

372 days, Sitting room re-do and 9 cents.

Hello All,

I realized this morning as I was vacuuming the store that it has been a year since I quit my part time job to join hubby on our adventure in being self employed. My last day at my previous employer was on February 12th 2012.   It has been (almost to the day) a year since I received a paycheck from someone else.  I have to say, I am proud. 

But enough of me and my rambling on how much my awesome-ness is off the scale today, let's get to the real reason why you stopped by! 

My sitting room BEFORE:

My sitting room AFTER:

I like it!  The only thing I want to do next is change out the color from maroon to blue.  But the budget is sayin' (in a pirate-y kind of voice) Arrrgghh Kim, but ye budget is not allowin' for those luxuries as of yet.... ye better get to savin' ye booty!  

That was bad.  Fun, but bad..... no more pirate voice OK?  'mkay!

I've painted the hall way where the laundry closet is as well.... and I'm embarrassed to say it has taken 9 1/2 years... but hey better late than never! 

After picture to come.... teehee!

Ready for some cheap fun stories!?  Hey now, let's keep it G rated!  Here's the riveting tale of a girl who is plain out cheap.... and did I mention broke?  Yea, broke is a motivator here as well... 

So I took Ashton out on a "date night" while hubby attended a meeting the other night.  We had a good 3 hours to kill and we had a great night for what??  9 cents.  I'm not kidding!  Well, Ashton spent some of his money on a thrift shop item, but me.... a mere 9 cents.   Here's how....

1. Window shop at thrift store while son looks around and manages to find a metal detector for $20.... he's been wanting one for ages, but have you seen the prices of those things new??  Good Find Son, Good Find.
2.  Take son to have dessert at Cracker Barrel to use up last $9.18 that was left on a gift card your mom gave you..... have delicious cake like this.....

Also, look up in surprise as you notice that your son is practically finished his cake before you are 4 bites in.... he gobbles his up and helps you finish yours!  My my, quite the empty leg he has!

Walk out of Cracker Barrel having not spent a dime... using the last $1.39 for a tip... hey, she came to our table once! 

3.  Go to local bookstore to look at magazines and discuss how over priced "MineCraft" items are with son.  Let son get on soapbox about how unfair that is..... glow with pride that you are raising a cheapskate   wise, frugal person! 
4.  With still 0 dollars coming out of your pocket and only one hour left until hubby's meeting is over, head over to Kohl's to spend that last $8.91 on a gift card you have.  Look around and around for the perfect items.... and then find it...... (angels start singing here)

A perfect mix of gift card use and something that will be used, but not take up precious space. 

On Sale.  Equaling $9.00 at the register

You owe 9 cents.  So you counted out your nickel and 4 pennies.... took your kitty cat shopping bag with your new treats in it and walked out..... high fiving yourself all the way to the car.

That my friends, is a night out! 

Until next time friends!

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