Monday, February 25, 2013

A bug and credit reports

Hey All, 

I wish this sweet little praying mantis is the bug I'm talking about in my title.... but it's not.  What I'm talking about is a bug that we all just love and hold dear to our hearts....

The Stomach Bug. 

Blahhhhh.  Love and hold dear to our hearts?  More like hide from and hope it doesn't find it's way to us.... but it did. 

Via my son's school.... lovely.

He came down with it suddenly last Wednesday night. Luckily, it was pretty much over after the first 24 hours.... but we kept him home from school Thursday and Friday to be sure he was good to go. 
I quickly followed suit on Friday night.  I'll spare you all the gory details, but I'm pretty sure there was a demon laughing at me from the bottom of the porcelain bowl my sixth go round.  I too was lucky enough to be pretty much back to normal by Sunday.  Hubby started last night and while the worst is over (you know, the whole camping by the toilet all night part) he still needs to gain his strength and hopefully will be better by tomorrow. 

So what do you say we move on to something more fun and delightful!?  OK!

Let's talk credit reports people! 

What? Isn't that fun and delightful?  Well, in my penny pinching world it is, so get used to it!

Your credit report is important to go over to make sure that nobody is walking around spending cash in your good name.  It's so important that you can get a free copy of your credit report yearly through the website just to make sure there's nobody spending money in your good name!   I've known that this was available for quite awhile and I did it.... a few years back..... like, when my son was still in pull ups, but that's not the point! 

Luckily, I've been watching a YouTube channel that I really enjoy.... I highly recommend the family on the debtisdum channel.  (I know dumb is spelled wrong, but that's all they could get I imagine) They are on their journey to become debt free through Dave Ramsey's Money Makeover Plan.  The last video I watched was about credit reports and how to get one free every single year.  It got me off my booty and took all of about 5 minutes to fill out the info on the site, pass some security questions and print it out.

What a sense of relief when I reviewed everything and all was correct.  Keep in mind this free report won't give you your credit score.  It lists all the places that have requested a credit report on you, all the accounts you have open and all the accounts that are closed. 

I am proud to say that I owe exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents to anyone.  No. One. 

Now, my hubby..... well, he has the mortgage in his name...... aren't I a sneaky little bugger?  ;)

Until Next Time Friends..... Check your Credit Report! 

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