Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not a great start to August Break!

Hey Everybody,

I know, I know, there aren't any pictures today!  And what about yesterday?  In fact I haven't put up any pictures in quite a few days now..... isn't that the point of August Break?  Well, turns out I was having so much fun recently that I simply didn't take any pictures!  So, I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through a visually bland post today.  So let's get to the updates.....

Homestead:  Ok, there's only one way to describe my house at the moment.  That word is neglected. We have clean clothes and that's about it..... I did manage to start the dishwasher this morning, so at least that is done.  Now, let me explain before you think that I'm this horrible, yucky, lazy person.  I have been spending my one day off a week running errands and having lots of summer fun time with my son.  We are down to just two more days off together before he goes back to school.  I'm sure I'll be organized once he goes back, but for now, house work can wait.  My growing 10 year old boy will not.  So, I'll give the house a quick kiss tomorrow morning before going to the dentist for a check up, then my little man and I will be spending the rest of the day on the "beach" at Greenbrier State Park.  Hanging out, swimming, eating packed treats and basically taking a long deep breath.  We'll be soaking up lots of sun and enjoying these long summer days that are slowly coming to an end. 

Finances:  We had a record breaking month in July and hoping to continue to grow beyond that in August.  We are so close to the business supporting us for our basic bills and needs!  It's so exciting and we are so blessed to have made it this far!

Garden:  Things are still growing and things are happening!  I have the acorn squashes starting to form, along with some tomatoes and beans.  I did put cucumber seeds out and have seen the sprouts poking through already!  I'll just keep chuggin' along and see what I can accomplish. 

Kitties:  All the kitties are doing well.  Delilah has not been around for a couple days.  I'm not worried though.... Her other "mom" must have steak or something at her house!  :)  DiDi loves her daily outside time while Shade still enjoys being queen of us all.  Harry and Lita still love to eat as many grasshoppers as they can and Momma Kitty has told me that she doesn't care if she never goes outside again. 

One more thing, We went to our local youth fair last night.  I am just a little over a month away from my 41st birthday and I have accepted that my body no longer enjoys being twirled, swung, spun or dropped on fair rides.  At first I was kinda sad, but now I'm relieved.  My son, however, is starting to choose the biggest scariest rides to have a good time!  Hubby and I were happy to stroll along with deep friend oreos and Italian sausages. 

Until Next Time Friends!!

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