Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DIY Laundry Detergent

Hello Everybody!

Today I thought I'd tell you about one of my favorite DIY projects.  I like to make as much stuff as I can.  Not only do I save a lot of money, but I also know exactly what is in the stuff I'm using around my home and body.  Today I'll tell you about my homemade laundry detergent. 

First off, you should know that this detergent has very low to non existent sud action.  That's ok, because the suds don't actually clean your clothes.  The detergent companies just add more chemicals to the detergent to make the suds because we as a society are *sud addicted*  :)  So, if you start using the detergent and you don't see suds, don't freak out.  It's ok.  Your clothes are getting clean.  Trust Me.

Also, your clothes won't come out reeking  smelling like a fake chemical based rose.  Actually, they won't smell like much of anything.  Just clean.  AND, it's ok, so don't freak out ok?  Ok. Again, they add that stuff to make you feel better. 

My recipe makes 10 gallons of detergent for about $1.50.  It's probably less, but that's just a rough estimate. 

Here's whatcha do.....
1. Grate one bar of soap.  This is the hardest part of the process.  I'm using Ivory soap right now, because that's what I have on hand. I also use Fals Naptha that you can find in the grocery store, but you can use whatever brand you like, it just may not have the same consistency as other bars.  I would love to get my hands on some Zote, but I can't find it anywhere locally yet. 

2.  Melt that soap in about a gallon of water either on the stove top or just dump the soap in a 5 gallon bucket and add REALLY hot water to it.  Stir that baby up to incorporate. 

3  Add 1 cup of Borax and 1 cup of Arm and Hammer WASHING Soda, not baking soda!  Big Difference!  Again, stir stir stir.... add some more hot water if you need to.....

4 Once everything is mixed together, top up your bucket with hot water and stir.  Let it sit for 24 hrs.

5. The next day, depending on what soap you used, you'll either find a total gel solution or a gel solution that has separated from the water.  Either way stir it up and fill your detergent bottle half way with this solution. 

6.  Fill the rest of your bottle with hot water and give it a shimmy shake before you pour it into your washer. 

That's it!  Maybe 20 minutes or less of your time and you are set with detergent for goodness knows how long!  So next time you're at the grocery store and you see all those ridiculously priced detergents with all those nasty smelly chemicals.... just pass them up like  a wool sweater on a summer day!

 Wanna take it a step farther?  Instead of using "fabric softener", just spray an old towel or in my case piece of my son's old pajama shirt, with vinegar and throw it in the dryer with your laundry.  NO, they won't smell like vinegar when they are dry.  Practically no static!

Happy Laundry Day!!

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