Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goals, Gardens and The Result of Leaving Our Old Life.....

Hello Everybody! 

I hope today finds you happy, healthy and relaxed.  Today is a beautiful day!  Right after a breakfast of bacon and bagel with cream cheese, I put on my oh so cute pink striped rain boots and went out into the garden.  I'm in the midst of planting my "fall garden".  I tried to plant cherry tomatoes and carrots, but due to grasshoppers and kitty paws, they didn't get very far.  So, I erased that idea and went with lettuce mixes and soybeans!  I have also recently planted peas and they are poking up to say hello. I have a few cabbages coming up, but they need row covers to protect from the grasshoppers.  How I wish that I could have a duck to eat up all these grasshoppers!!  On the other hand, my cucumbers are up and not being bothered at all so far.  I have tomatoes ripening and I harvested my one fennel, can't wait to roast it with olive oil and Parmesan cheese! Yummy!!  My basil is starting to bolt, so it looks like I'll be making pesto to freeze. I'm hoping to hold off on that until I can have some mozzarella cheese, basil and homegrown tomato drizzled with balsamic vinegar... again.... YUMMY! 

So, Yes, I have goals in the garden, but I also have some more lofty goals in mind.  This one is going to be much more difficult.... but since my mom told me she accomplished it at the young age of 40, I've had my mind on it ever since.  The goal you ask? 

I want to get rid of my mortgage. 

Now, we have done the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover.  I love the book and hubby agrees with the idea of being debt free as well.  We are debt free except the house.  We need to re-gather our emergency fund and then we are going to get all over the mortgage.  Well, that's my idea anyway. OR we could sell our house and buy a piece of land and a "tiny house" as seen on  ... but I have a feeling that's not gonna float with hubby nor my son! 
I'm content at our house, with keeping an open mind if the possibility arises that we can move closer to our business.  Hubby would definitely like to move and he would like to move up... which is nice, but I really like the idea of not having a mortgage.  We'll see.  You can tell I'm the money geek of the family :) 

Lastly, let me tell you a little bit about our life before we quit our jobs to work full time on our business.  My hubby was sick and tired.  Literally sick with high blood pressure, fatty liver and high cholesterol.  He was grumpy and so was I.  Here's the result of us saying goodbye to our old life. 

1. We wake up happy and not dreading the day.
2. We eat breakfast together and kiss each other before we hop in the car to head to work.
3. While we don't have good days every day.... it is still way better than the best day at our jobs.
4. My husband's cholesterol is low and my moods are high.
5. Hubby's liver screen is perfect and so are our fun nights out.
6. Hubby's blood pressure is right where it's suppose to be and it turns out.... this life is exactly where we're suppose to be as well....

Money is still tight, but it's all worth it!  Hubby even got a 30% discount for paying for his doctor appt. in full today!  (Sorry money geek ALERT!)   :) 

Have a great day friends.  Just do what ya wanna do..... it'll all work out. 


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