Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wonderful Unexpected Fun!

Hello All! 
Happy Sunday to you!  I'm here at home today and loving life. I will need to go to work tomorrow, so I'm taking today off instead.  I've had a fun day doing some projects.  I'll hit on those later, but let me tell you about some exciting stuff..... I had the craziest but fun thing happen just the other day! 

Above you can see a sweet smiling couple standing in our store.... who are these folks you ask?  Let me introduce you..... This is Levi and Shikira.... they are walking across America together... you heard right- WALKING!  Let me tell you the story of how they ended up in our store.

I had been driving back to the store from the farm market and passed this guy and girl walking, when I noticed a sign on the back of her backpack reading...   I was intrigued since I have read Adventures in Voluntary Simplicity about a fella quitting his high paying lawyer gig and riding his bike across America.  I also love reading Married With Luggage about a couple who gave up everything, careers and all, to travel the world.  I quickly headed back to the shop and checked out the website.... so awesome.  I was half expecting it to be some kind of group type walk where these guys are doing a small portion of a walk or something like that... so I was super excited to see these guys were the real deal. 
I told Eric about it and what they were doing and he said "Well, go get 'em".... I was surprised and just said No, you go get 'em!  With a little back and forth go get em go get em and fluttering nerves I decided to go see if I could see them.  If I did, I told Eric, I would invite them back to relax at the store and have a drink. 
I drove up the road and did manage to find them.  It was perfect because they were taking a break and were sitting down in a little gravel area next to the road.  I cautiously introduced myself, trying really hard to not sound like a star struck geek and invited them back to our shop.  Before I knew it, they were in our shop telling us all about the adventures they had had so far and where they are heading.  We had drinks and cookies and of course our areas famous Rt.11 Potato Chips! 

They are such a sweet couple.  They were so nice and talked to us like they had known us for years.  It's nice because we got to meet them in the beginning section of their journey, so we'll be able to read their blog to see where else the road takes them!

Not only did I get to meet these guys, but it also taught me to not be scared or shy of people or experiences.  I was so nervous even thinking about inviting them that I had to make myself get in the car.  I'm so glad I did.  Just like with the business, was I scared as hell of what would happen?  Uhhhh, YEAH!, but I didn't let it stop me.  We only get one shot with this time on earth.... make it AWESOME!

I wish them luck! What amazing memories they are creating!  Levi and Shikira-- Know that I'm rooting you on every step of the way!! 

Do you have something that you are thinking about doing but just haven't done it yet?  Are you scared of the outcome?  Do you fight the flutters and tell them to get off your back?  Tell me your story, I'm all ears!

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