Monday, July 30, 2012

A Day "Off" for Homemaker Kim

Hey there everybody! 

Today you will find me cramming laundry into the washer, juggling dishes around the kitchen, writing out bills like I'm a millionaire and running so many errands it would put Mrs Cleaver to shame!  Yes, this is my day "off".  Having my tea and catching up on some blogs is my only down time today. 

Here's a quick smattering of what I have up my sleeve this week.

Making my homemade pasta .....

Getting going on trying some new blog recipes since the restaurant scene in this season of our lives is but a distant dream....

Getting cucumbers and cabbage seeds in the ground for a fall harvest

Showing you (aren't you so lucky?!) some of my homesteading life projects....

Well, this train is about to leave without me, so I better hop on..... but don't you know that I will look like a momma that's got it all together since my recent makeover?  You Betcha!!

Until next time!

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