Monday, March 12, 2012

Starting over...

Have I mentioned that I'm 40?  Yep, the big 4-0.... I've been pretty spoiled by my husband over the years.  We've been married for almost 16 years and have been together for nearly 18 years.  We both worked  until our son came along 5 years into our marriage and then luckily I was able to come home to be with my son full time when he was born.  I was home for 8 years.  We had been in and out of debt during our marriage, but like I told you the last time, we finally paid all that off last year. Well now we are starting over.  My husband says that his resume was looking like a list of things he didn't like to do.  He was miserable in his job and I was miserable being away from them on the weekends to work my part time job.  I had a great job don't get me wrong, but I never got to spend an entire day with them. One day a month, that was it.  Last year was the first and only time I had ever missed being with them on easter and mother's day.  Talk about suuuucccckkkk.  I hated being away from my guys!  Anyway, (I'm getting off topic)  Starting over. Right.
Long story short, we have walked to an edge together and have jumped.  We got an investor, quit our jobs and are starting our own business.  Even though it has been stressful both financially and mentally, it's a good stress.  It's a "hey look at us we're doing this!" kinda stress.  It's a freeing stress.  Our son is 10, hubby is 45 and I'm 40.... we're going to enjoy our lives, even if this business is a total flop, at least we had the guts to give it a try.  Now, I'm not gonna say that I was all for this 100% from the beginning.  I like security.  I like a regular paycheck and I'm a nerd when it comes to budgeting ( it's like a hobby- seriously.  Weird. I know.) But, getting up everyday, looking at my husband and working together, figuring things out and making this business happen, it's awesome.   We have looked into each others eyes, stepped off the edge holding hands and are waiting to see where we land.  As long as I'm still looking into his eyes when we do finally land, it will be the perfect spot. 

See you next time!

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