Saturday, March 24, 2012

As little as a puff in my hand....

I have a dear friend, I consider her my daughter, my first born in fact.  She's my sweet kitty Di-Di.  She is 16 1/2 yrs old.  We got her even before we got married all the way back in 1995.... we married in 96- wow and we're still together!  I've seen her tough through some hard times... there was the loss of her first sibling Cosa, they loved each other and she looked for him after he had to be put down because he had leukemia.... late stages and no medicine was helping him.  Then, there was the whole question of did she contract leukemia, since she had been living, loving and sharing her life with a leukemia positive kitty.  Nope.  She was negative.  She has been with us through 2 moves, a new baby, deaths in the family and joyous celebrations.  Now my girl is older, more frail, but she still has a lot of life to her.  She loves to go outside on warm days and feel the sun and sniff the air. Today I'm taking her to the vet to get a check up..... she was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy  3 yrs ago.... enlarged heart for short.... she's been on meds ever since.... she needs a check up so we can get her another prescription.  I know she's old.  I know that this season with her by my side is slowly coming to an end.  I just love her and appreciate knowing she's by my side for now, enjoying a good nap. It's hard to believe that when we brought her home on that chilly night, she was just a little puff in my husbands hand. 

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