Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kitty news and an update.....

Well hello there.... glad you stopped by!  An update on my girl DiDi, I took her to the vet and she's doing pretty well for as old as she is... and once I figure out how to put pictures on this blog, I will certainly show you what this little lady looks like.  He did add meds for her bad knees and her teeth.  She is not allowed to be put under for a teeth cleaning, so we have to give meds once a month for a week to keep bacteria under control. 

An update on where we stand in our business.  We are about 2 weeks from opening.  We are getting in inventory and getting down to the nitty gritty of putting the inventory in our computer system.  We originally decided to be closed 2 days a week, but we recently decided to be open 7 days a week.  We are going to watch pockets of time and see if we need to be opened.  We don't want to risk losing possible business from the start though. 

I realize that I haven't told you anything about what our business is or what it's called.  We, unfortunately, have learned a lesson recently in the consequences of "loose lips", so for now, it will just be a mystery. 

Financially, we are hanging in there.  We have made a pretty substantial transfer from our savings to checking account.  And NO, I'm not looking forward to sending the government a good chunk of that money.  But, what can ya do. 

I've realized that we are kinda at odds about our lifestyle..... we are very into taking care of ourselves, not being into consumerism,  ya know ..... not workin' for the man kinda stuff!  BUT..... thanks to hubby, we are very techy savvy.... hubby keeps us up to date on the latest and greatest gadgets and techy stuff.... ( you can tell how well versed I am with this stuff!)  so we're kinda old meets new.... old fashioned meets fashion forward..... we're not into consumerism, but we're going to be selling stuff.... ya see where I'm going with this???  Trust me though, once I can tell you what our business actually is, it will make sense with our lifestyle. 

On the homefront, since it's been so warm, I've planted some seeds and already have some lettuce coming up, my kitties are good.... my indoor outdoor kitties are being held inside full time right now due to a certain aggressive tom cat that beats up my kids every chance he gets.  I love kitties, but this guy, he's just (excuse my french) an asshole.  Plain and simple.  But again, what can ya do?

We're getting used to our new schedule, but I'm still trying to figure out when I can do my canning.  I may just have to compromise this year. 

Any way reader, thanks so much for coming by.... I will post again soon.

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