Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Start....

Hey All! 

Just a quick post to say that I can't put my girl to sleep.  I just can't.  There is too much life in that old girl for me to decide to end it.  We are trying some more things to help her stay cleaner and comfortable.  We don't just up and put granny down when she has trouble walking and seeing do we?  Nope and I won't do that to my girl.  It would be different if she was in pain, but she is content, but just needs extra help and things done a little differently to help her thrive. 

Here's a picture of her after her bath this past week.

We feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders.  Since hubby and I decided that our gut was telling us not to euthanize her, she believe it or not, has been better.  I don't know if she's feeding off my energy or what, but she seems more with it.  She still can't see very well, but her problem eye has reduced the pupil which was nearly all the way dilated all the time to now you can see the color in her eye.  So we have found a new normal.  If that means a bath a couple times a week, that's OK and I'm more than willing to do it.  I put her outside for a couple minutes in the morning when its not too cold so she can sniff the air and truck around the yard.... I put down a towel for her to sleep on so that if she does wet the bed it pulls the moisture away from her instead of soaking her fur.  Doing these simple things have made it better already. 

Here's to my girl...... I won't give up DiDi.....

Here's to a new start!

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