Saturday, March 23, 2013

DiDi... the end of a 17+ year friendship

Hi All,

Well, the day has come...... unexpectedly, but it has come.  The day that I had to say goodbye to my dear girl DiDi.  We had found a new routine that was working well both for her and us.  She seemed to be doing well, even went out to the garden with me. 

We came home the other evening and immediately knew that something was wrong.  We call her name when we get home.... "Hi DiDi!"  and we are usually met with an energized meow that means nothing less than get me on the couch! 

But, this time we were met with silence.  I walked over to her and she was just lying there, head up, but very quiet and seemed very out of it.  We continued to call her name, but she never made a sound.  I picked her up and placed her in front of her bowl, but she just laid down, not able to hold herself up.  I noticed that she had dried vomit on the side of her face.

We decided to watch out for her.... we figured that she had had a fainting spell which tires her out, she would be fine.  But she was not.  She became worse as the night went on, so much that we were certain that she wouldn't make it till morning. 

I slept with her on the couch that night, checking her breathing periodically ....

By morning, we knew that we had to help her put an end to her suffering.  She couldn't move her body at all.  I took her in the first available appointment our vet had. 

It's hard to let her go because she has been with us for so long.  We've had her even before we got married, so practically for our entire relationship she has been with us. She has lived in 3 houses with us, she was there when we married, there when our boy was born and has defeated many odds to end up living a long life.

I miss that girl.... and it's been a big adjustment not having her with us.  I spent so much time taking care of her that now, I really don't know what to do with myself.  No more carrying her to her bowl, litter box and couch.  No more cleaning up her play pen area in the morning and evening... no more baths, no more laundry..... I would do it all again though. 

Until Next Time Friends....

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