Thursday, January 17, 2013

Still decluttering and figuring this thing out.....

Hey All, 

Sorry I've been away for some time..... I am proud to say that business has been booming and I literally don't have time to sit and post as often as I'd like.  I don't take my laptop home, but that may have to change at some point.... but anyway.... I'm Back!

I tried guys.  I really did.  I tried like crazy to get my pictures to load.  For some reason, it doesn't give me the browse button.  Now, I'm not the most computer literate person in the world, so I'm sure there's someone out there right now yelling at the screen "Just do blah blah blah and it will work!"- but I haven't a clue.  I'm afraid you'll have to deal with a pictureless post this time around. 

Since last time I have decluttered my kitchen as well.  My next project is cleaning out and organizing the pantry.  That won't take much time at all.  We've gotten so busy here at the store that I can't take Sundays off any longer or else my hubby would go insane trying to put in the weekly orders and help customers.  So I'm planning a project each week..... hopefully after the pantry, I paint.  Ahhhh, yes.... I will lighten the accent wall  to match the other walls to brighten up the space.  Right now it is oh so the early 2000's  :) 

We have a darker accent wall in the living room as well that I also want to lighten, but one job a week!  I also like to bake our bread when I'm home for the day, so I don't want to over schedule myself.  Speaking of over scheduling myself,  I think I've got this whole how the heck do I clean my house and work 6 days a week without pulling my hair out thing down.....

I get up early. 

I think I told you this already, but my friend at my old job used to make fun of me because she had to clean her bathroom before work and I would NEVER consider doing that since I spent 1 1/2 hrs in the mornings on my days off (I only worked 3 days a week)  drinking tea and reading.  DRINKING TEA AND READING.  FOR 1 1/2 HOURS. 4 DAYS A WEEK.  Seriously?  No wonder she made fun of me.  Anyway, I finally got wise to this getting up early idea and I like it.  Instead of getting up at 7am, I get up at 6am (or 6:30 if the chore is pretty quick) I decide what chore I need to do and I do it.  I might clean the kitchen one morning, clean our bathroom the next and Ashton's bathroom the next.... until I've made a full circle.  Now the whole house isn't clean top to bottom, but hey, I don't think that has happened since Ashton was born! 

Also, keep in mind that my chore comes after I take care of my kitties.... I scoop their litter boxes and feed them before anything else happens.  Including my two little boys who are spoiled and want just a teensy tiny bit of milk in the morning.  I've also, so I don't have to spend my one day off a week married to the washer and dryer, have started washing one load of laundry a night and hanging them on my drying rack at night.... next night, I fluff jeans and towels and wallah, clean dry clothes ... and less electricity.... (there's the cheap Kim coming out again)--- roll your eyes here mom!---- 

Did I mention that my mornings are peaceful and even though I'm scrubbing toilets while its still dark out, I'm enjoying it?  Once hubby and son are up the noise level can get well ..... to a girl that likes peace and quiet in the morning... it can be brutal..... so, yea... nice calm morning before the whirlwind starts. 

Ok, everybody..... so that is it for now.... I will be back soon, hopefully with so many pictures it will burn your retinas!

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