Friday, January 25, 2013

Reorganizing the Laundry Closet

Hey All,

I'm one of those people that actually enjoy doing laundry.  I even enjoyed going to the laundry mat in my younger years.  I loaded up all my machines at once and let 'em go!  My grandmother used to say don't you separate your lights from your darks?  No, my dear Muzzy.... when you are my age and you gotta feed the machine quarters for each load, there are only 2 kinds of laundry .... dirty and reallllyyy dirty.  Ahhhhh, memories.....

OK, where was I.... oh, yea, 41 years old and dealing with a rats nest of a laundry closet.  Right. 

So.  Here's my laundry closet BEFORE

Wow!  The only good thing about this heap of mess is that it's white, which makes you *think* it's clean. Kinda.  So I turned on some reruns of King Of Queens and got started. 

First things first, take out all the junk and for the love of everything holy, sweep all the funk out from the back of the machine.... here is an oh so pleasant picture of what I found.... yummy right? 

Cleaners anyone?  Holy cow!  I've got more cleaners than I thought!  2 bottles of bleach Kimberly? Really?  Believe it or not, I kept all of these cleaners because I actually do use them all.  One of the bottles of bleach only had about 1/4 cup in it, so I am proud to say I'm down to just one bottle thankyouverymuch!  So now that the cleaners are out of the way, lets take care of all the other crap I've got stuffed in this hell hole!

Luckily I had Toby close by to give me pointers on how to approach this mess.  I wish I would've taken a picture of all the nasty old craft items I threw out.  Old dry play dough, scrap paper, dry rotted stamps..... hmmmmm, Ashton hasn't used these since he was 6.... time to go.  I also wish I would've taken a picture of cleaning the inside of my washer.  We have really hard water and we get mineral build up.... trust me, the machine is sparkling clean now.  So after some throwing away, some relocating and reorganizing..... it was done. 


So much better!  I went shopping around my house and found the cute little basket to keep all my cleaning rags in.  Much prettier than just stuffing them on the shelf I think!  The boxes have been reduced to 1 craft box, 1 battery box, 1 pet box (clippers and harnesses) and 1 misc. box that holds stuff like light bulbs, masking tape, duct tape, stuff like that.  So much nicer than hearing from down the hall, husband staring blankly into a cupboard-  "HONEY DO WE HAVE ANY LIGHT BULBS/TAPE????"  I dunno, look.  "WHERE?"  I dunno, don't you have some in the garage?  "WOULD I BE ASKING YOU IF I DID?"...... you get the picture.....

OK gang..... next..... the last organizing project downstairs.... THE PANTRY!

Until next time friends! 

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