Thursday, January 24, 2013

Grocery Fail.

Hey Everybody!  Remember when I posted that I wanted to get back to buying local produce and meats?  Remember how I said that I would find a way to make it happen on our tight budget?  Remember how I said that its important for us to eat whole healthy local foods and I'll just have to figure it out? 

Yea, scratch all that. 

Now it's not that I've totally given up on eating healthy.... it's just that I simply can't afford to go to the local butcher, baker and candle stick maker..... yet.

I dipped my big ole' money toe back into the local farm market a couple weeks ago.  I bought local eggs.  Oh they were so good! The cost of $2.50 a dozen, not so good.  Buuuuttt, you could tell these were some happy hens!  I bought some local grass fed beef for $7...... it was so tasty! Buuuttt, I only got one meal out of it.  2 meals I could've worked with.... one meal, no.  I did get a bargain of $2.50 for a 3lb bag of local apples.  Now that was a good deal, since in the supermarket or even the grocery outlet, non local apples were $3-4 for a 3 lb bag. 

Long story short....

I blew out my grocery budget for January like a truck driver blows out a tire on the interstate. 

I will be buying good healthy whole foods for my family.  I'm just not able to go to the farm market yet. 

One thing this has taught me..... I will definitely be putting lots of love and time into my garden this coming year!  Anything local we eat will be coming from my backyard!  Failure only creates motivation!

See ya next time friends!

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