Sunday, November 4, 2012

We are so lucky!

Hi Everyone, 

Sorry it has been such a long time since I posted last.  We are finding our new normal without Harry and bringing a new boy kitty into our home, so things have been crazy.  What made things even more crazy is Sandy.  I'm sure you have either seen reports on Sandy or if you're anywhere close to the east coast, you probably felt the wrath of Sandy. 

Luckily, we made it through with no damage and with only 1 hour without electricity.  We stayed warm and cozy in our house while others lost theirs.  Watching the telethon on TV raising money for the victims of Sandy was so heartbreaking.  We knew it was bad, but we had no idea how horrible it was.  We were lucky to not be in the direct path.  We felt so bad for these people we had to do something.  What we could do wasn't much, but we donated to the American Red Cross for Sandy relief. 

We believe that sometimes, you have to give even if you can't afford it. 

I remember when my husband was out of work we were on an extremely tight budget.  We were getting by with his unemployment and my part time job income.  We had just learned that my husbands unemployment benefits were going to be cut soon, when a friend at my work had an emergency spleen operation and needed help paying bills.  I couldn't give much, but I handed over a 5 dollar bill.  The very next week, Eric got a job offer.  So, we have learned that things will work out, so you shouldn't be greedy if folks are hurting.  It will all work out. 

Look around your home today and love it.  Love the land, love the things needing repair.  Love the things that aren't as pretty as you'd like.  Love the house that maybe you feel a little cramped in.  Love the house that you call home.  Today there are families out there looking through piles of muddy rubble looking for anything they can salvage from their home.

Life has taught us yet another lesson in enjoying every minute because in that same minute, everything could change. 

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