Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving thoughts....

Hey Everybody!  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  We had a great time at my mom's house.  It is so nice to sit around the kitchen table and talk after a big family meal.  I am truly blessed. 

Here's some pictures of us at the pumpkin patch last year.  This past year we couldn't go during the day since we are working the shop, but we went to the night time Corn Maze and Hayride in the Dark!  It was so fun and now that our boy is getting older, he loved the spookiness of it all. 

On the home front of homemaker kim, I've been working on reorganizing and taking a serious look at all the stuff in my house.  Like a lot of the moms on the blogs that I read, I want things that are either beautiful to me or useful in my home.  So, I'm slowly going through the house.  So far, we've done my son's room, which he is used to doing.  We always go through his room at this time of year to make room for his gifts (lucky mug has birthday and Christmas a month apart)  We like to teach him to think about kids that don't have toys like he does.  I've also still been trying to make things from scratch as much as possible. 

I will do an update on the garden soon with pictures.  Believe it or not, we are still pulling fresh greens from it.  Financially we are doing pretty well.  We stick to our budget closely, but we are so blessed that the business is able to pay for our bills. 

How was your Thanksgiving?  And.... how do you spend your "Black Friday"?  Are you a doorbuster addict or are you like me and love to just take it sloooooowwwww?  I'd love to hear from you!

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