Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well Fudge.

Well, looks like my post on how I do what I want on my birthday didn't agree with the gods, because guess where I am right now? 

Yep. I'm at work.

Looks like hubby has some type of stomach virus or something.  We thought that his cha cha cha's was caused by the oh so processed cheap chicken fillets that we had for dinner the other night.  However, his tummy is still a rumblin'.... and looks like cold chills are setting in.....

Now that we have the business we can't just not come in.

Poop.  Poop on a stick I say!

At first I was a little upset and even a bit angry.  But then, I looked myself in the mirror and I knew I had a decision to make. 

I could either A- continue to be angry and irritated and make myself miserable all day.  Or  B- Go to work, enjoy my day and not waste a day wallowing in self pity. 

I chose B.  So I got myself ready..... looking super cute today by the way!  I pumped up the purple eyeshadow and played with my eyeliner. 

Would I rather be sitting in a comfy chair cuddling with my 17 year old kitty?  Abso-freakin' -lutely.
Would I rather make cheese today instead of looking over bills and daily reports?  Oh. Yea.

But, if I've learned anything from my now 41 years on this earth is that you gotta roll with the punches. 

So, I'm here.  I'm relaxing as best I can..... and trust me, that day to myself will come.  And it will be
sweeeeeet  ;)

Until next time friends!

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