Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well Fudge.

Well, looks like my post on how I do what I want on my birthday didn't agree with the gods, because guess where I am right now? 

Yep. I'm at work.

Looks like hubby has some type of stomach virus or something.  We thought that his cha cha cha's was caused by the oh so processed cheap chicken fillets that we had for dinner the other night.  However, his tummy is still a rumblin'.... and looks like cold chills are setting in.....

Now that we have the business we can't just not come in.

Poop.  Poop on a stick I say!

At first I was a little upset and even a bit angry.  But then, I looked myself in the mirror and I knew I had a decision to make. 

I could either A- continue to be angry and irritated and make myself miserable all day.  Or  B- Go to work, enjoy my day and not waste a day wallowing in self pity. 

I chose B.  So I got myself ready..... looking super cute today by the way!  I pumped up the purple eyeshadow and played with my eyeliner. 

Would I rather be sitting in a comfy chair cuddling with my 17 year old kitty?  Abso-freakin' -lutely.
Would I rather make cheese today instead of looking over bills and daily reports?  Oh. Yea.

But, if I've learned anything from my now 41 years on this earth is that you gotta roll with the punches. 

So, I'm here.  I'm relaxing as best I can..... and trust me, that day to myself will come.  And it will be
sweeeeeet  ;)

Until next time friends!

Monday, September 24, 2012

What's a birthday girl to do?

Hey Everybody, 

I am anticipating my birthday coming up in just a couple of days!  I'm already daydreaming about sleeping in, reading and having several cups of tea and basically doing whatever I want. 

I've got so much I want to do, that I know that I won't have time to do everything I want.  I already know that I will be staying home alllllll day. Staying home is a sweet privelege now that we have the business, so this year, I am home bound!  Preferably in jammies or comfy jeans that I am no longer allowed to wear out in public.  Yep, they are that comfy!  These jeans are meant for the garden's eyes only. 

I have imagined a day full of bread baking, cheese making and garden setting.  Unfortunately, even though I want to cross my arms and say NO! like a preschooler, I will have to do laundry.  My family wants clean clothes again this week!  Sheesh! 

I have noticed in my years that once you become an adult, especially an adult with children, that we tend to let our birthdays swing on by like it's nothing special.  One of the saddest things is to wish somebody a happy birthday and their reply is "Oh, thanks,  it's just another day." Followed by a weak smile.  Not me. Oh no. I'm not going down like that. I haven't and never will work on my birthday.   I don't cook on my birthday.  (unless I really want to, which to date has never happened for the dinner meal.)  So no asking momma what's for dinner this wednesday.  It's my one day to be selfish and do what I want.

Here's something else you won't find me doing on my birthday..... complaining that it's my birthday!  I am proud and excited to turn 41 this year.  So you won't ever hear me saying the second anniversary of my so and so birthday.  I'm getting older and that's luck that some folks didn't get the pleasure to experience. 

I've noticed that I celebrate for more than one day..... I've been managing to squeak out a whole week of celebrating being me in recent years and this year won't be any different!  I will have a happy day at home to myself on my actual birthday, then this friday I'll be bowling with my family and friends, a girls night on Saturday and a triple birthday party this sunday!  I'll be celebrating my birthday along with my lovey hubby and my Muzzy who's turning 91 this year!

So what's the point of my rant today?  I guess it's to love your birthday.  Whether you are tween, a college kid, thirty something or on the other side of 40.... love your day!  It's your day, enjoy it.  Rock it out and own it. 

How's that song go?..... I'm sexy and I know it..... yea baby, that's me!

To 41 more years!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thoughts on a food stamp challenge and a new hobbie!

Hello Everybody! 

Today you'll find me at work enjoying the company of both hubby and son.  Looking around, I have to say that I'm pretty spoiled. But, I'm not here to brag about how great I have it.  Keep on track Kim!

First off,  I am a regular reader of The Non-Consumer Advocate.  I love her blog and she is gearing up for a Food Stamp Challenge.  The premise is to see and experience how living off food stamps can be done.  After looking at some links on government assistance, it looks like you get $4.00 a day per person.  I believe there is differences per state as to considering age of the people.  Cause lets face it, a teenage boy is going to eat a heck of a lot more than 6mth old boy!  So I did the math and it works out to be $84.00 a week for our family of three.  Well, since we spend $75.00 a week, we are doing pretty good!  I cook from scratch as much as possible, buy in bulk and use beans/legumes to help keep the cost down.  Not everybody has the time or ability to cook from scratch so please don't put down folks who need assistance by accusing that they don't use their assistance properly. 

Secondly, I have a new hobby that I love that The Non-Consumer Advocate inspired me to do. (yes, I really do love her site!)  She collects money that she finds and sees how much she has at the end of the year.  I believe that she puts it into her savings account.  I might be wrong.  Anyhoo, she has had a lot more luck than I have!  The last time she mentioned it, she had found and saved $20 couple dollars.  I on the other hand have found a dismal 28 cents.  Now, in my defense, I haven't really been keeping my eyes peeled lately but now I'm an eagle ready to strike in any parking lot that I roam.  Also, keep in mind that I do this for FUN..... (Mom this is for you!  I'm not starving!) 

Should I be concerned that most of my hobbies are involved in some way in saving money?  I'm borderline one of those people featured on Extreme Cheapskates! 

Until next time friends! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

See You In September......

Hello All, 

I've been enjoying the coolness in the air lately.  It's that time again.  Time for sweaters, fall leaves and pumpkins!  I don't like being cold but I do love that we get to experience 4 very different seasons in our area.  Along with starting my fall garden and learning how to make mozzarella cheese, I also sent my son to 5th grade.  Oh how time flies!

So here we are in September already!  Days are getting shorter and nights are getting cooler.  So how are we doing at Casa De Boyers?  Why, sit down a spell and I'll tell ya allllll about it!
First off, we've been in business for 5 months now and we are just on this side of the business supporting us.  So close we can taste it!  We are so very lucky to be able to do this.  It is frustrating some days, but we are getting to the part where we are actually being paid for the 50-60 hr work weeks!  We look ahead and say SAIL ON!
At home I am enjoying getting into a routine of sorts now that school has started.  He actually started back in late August and he has mixed feelings about the whole thing.  His teacher is nice, but she is firm and she expects her students to do their best.  Well, that would be ok if Ashton felt like doing his best everyday.  Oh well.  We will get through it.  Getting all the chores done at home in a some what timely manner is starting to get a bit easier. 
As I mentioned above, I've been focusing a lot on the garden.  My goal is to grow as much food as I can.  I'm afraid that my spring/summer garden was a bust with only a few tomatoes and a handful of beans.  But in my defense, I started late and had no supplies except what was left over from last year.  However, I have high hopes for my fall garden.  I've got lettuce coming up and planning on putting out more seeds this week, along with collard greens.  These will be placed in an area where I can put a cold frame over them to hopefully keep them going long after the first frost.  I bought broccoli plants and strawberry plants at our local nursery for 50% off!  They are in the ground and with a nice mulch/straw blanket, they should be fine.  I also have cucumbers and peas flowering.  In the center of the garden I planted Black Eye Susans.  Now, I'm not a huge fan of the flower, the main reason I purchased them (at 50% off!) was because they are considered nectararies.  They will attract honeybees and butterflies to the garden.  I'll be giving them some extra nectar, while they'll be helping me pollinate my vegetables.  Nice trade off.  Now that they are planted, I have to admit I love the splash of color. 
For dinner tonight we will be eating mozzarella cheese (not made by me unfortunately), homegrown tomatoes and homegrown basil.  Ahhhhh, better late than never!  Thanks for reading!
Until next time friends!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great Depression Cooking With Clara

Hi there Everyone! 
Sorry I've been away for so long, but the family, house, business, pets and house want attention every single day.  I know, so rude! 

Anyway,  I wanted to share a wonderful YouTube channel that I found.  She is a 90+ grandmother who was born in 1915 and remembers the foods that she ate during that very difficult time.  It is so wonderful to see her cook a meal while reminiscing about the days of her youth. 

I particularly liked this dish called "Poor Man's Meal".  I've already made it a couple times for the guys and it's good!  Even better when you fry the potatoes in bacon grease.

Try it, you might like it!

3 large potatoes (or enough for your family )  diced small
1 medium onion diced small
cooking oil  (Clara used olive oil, but any kind will work)
hot dogs or sausage
Salt and Pepper to taste

Fry the onions and potatoes in the oil until potatoes are tender
Add  in diced or sliced hotdogs or sausage  (we used smoked sausage, but Clara used the hotdogs)
Add salt and pepper
Heat through adding a bit of water to keep potatoes from sticking.


What I love the most is that even with using the smoked sausage it costs about $3 to prepare.  We had the luxury to add a veggie on the side, where Clara's family did not. 

A meal that's fast, easy and cheap.  Perfect for this gal!

Until next time friends!