Friday, May 11, 2012

Giving up and accepting the season....

Hi All, 

Today you're finding me frantically trying to get my house clean.  The schedule I had made for myself is going ok, but honestly, the last thing I want to do is housework when I get home.  Luckily, hubby doesn't get too upset when I need to stay home for awhile to get things back in order. 

I had a bit of a breakdown a couple weeks ago.  I was shopping for groceries and desperately trying to stay within our budget yet feed my family healthy foods.  I don't know what came over me, I've gone over budget before, but this time, I had a really hard time.  There I was bagging my groceries with tears streaming down my cheeks.  I cried the whole way home and thankfully I was ok by the time I got home.  The next morning, I went out to the garden to see what was going on.  I hadn't been out in a couple days since we were so busy and it had been rainy. What I found was so sad. I had lost the couple of bean plants that were showing promise.  My onions are pretty much ka-put.  The only things that are growing is the lettuce and weeds.  I looked around my little garden and felt like such a failure. 
Tears came again.  But, I had to choke them back.  I needed to go to work and tend to our business.

After talking to hubby about my frustration, (through tears, God love him, he always knows exactly what to say)... he helped me realize that I just need to let the garden go this year, or I just need to re-do my "vision" of the garden.  I don't see myself having a lot of time on my hands for years to come, so I think for this year I'll just enjoy that lettuce, garlic and a couple little dismal onions.  I need to redesign my garden to be a perennial garden.  I just don't have the time in this season of my life to do all the things I used to . 

Am I disappointed?  A little.  But do I feel like a failure now?  No.  There is a season for everything.  I can either accept my season that I'm in, or I can drive myself insane trying to do everything.

Where ever you are in your life, accept and enjoy it.  If you don't like what's going on, take steps to change it.  Take it easy on yourself. 

Do you feel like you need to keep up even though your season clearly says you just can't? 

Until next time friends.....

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