Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nearly Broken....

Hello All,
 I hope your days have been full of happiness and fun!  Today you find me at work.  I'm here alone today.  Hubby needed a day off.... I insisted that he take the day.  We didn't realize it, but this past week we figured up the hours we keep here at the shop and he works an avg of 60 hrs a week, I work an avg of 55 a week ( I take half a day once a week just for laundry and cleaning at home) .... that would explain why we have been so worn out lately.  We had always heard that the biggest problem with self employed people and ultimate failure in the business, is that people become so focused on the business, working every waking hour that they become burnt out.  Thus, making them less effective.  It definitely has happened to me... you would find me crying outside the store this past week wondering why we aren't as busy as we should be and how are we going to make it financially through the summer.  I felt nearly broken.  It didn't help that my monthly visitor helped exaggerate my emotions and made me feel even more helpless. 

We were doing great and we did pretty well last week, but it seems that after a huge festival we attended that we now have LESS customers... which makes both hubby and I scratch our heads.  We've got to stick it out.... We've got to get through what ever funk we have found ourselves in... We are doing everything we can to advertise and get the word out.... I guess it just takes time. 

Home wise, we are doing ok.  We cleaned up the garden area a couple days ago and I was excited to see that there are carrots and 1 little basil plant, along with the lettuce and spinach that has managed to stay alive.  I'm toying with the idea of putting some peas and dill out.  I know I don't have a lot of time, but I believe these plants may work since they are easy to grow.

We're still working on breaking up with our old bank and getting everything settled with the new bank.  For some reason, Target wouldn't take my check and then my bank card wouldn't work today.  I checked my bank after the Target incident and they said "they've had problems with Target before and it's on their end".... gee... thanks... now my bank card didn't work... another visit to the bank on Monday. 

On the kitty front... I have new tenants in my bushes out front.  The little pregnant calico I had been  feeding moved them there, so I have 5 playful pretty feral little kids in my front garden.  We decided to just let them be... they are too feral to take to the shelter, they would be euthanized right away for being "unadoptable".  There is lots more drama to this story.... I will fill you in next time...

Keep your fingers crossed for us that we get through this funk and find the other side!

Until next time friends....

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