Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Torn Between Two Worlds.....

Hello Everybody,
You're finding me at work today.  We are in a slow time of the day and I use this time to catch up or slow down, whatever I'm needing that day.  I am lucky to have our store in a place that has completely untouched land out back, so if I need to reconnect to my inner soul, I can just stroll out there and take a look around.  I can take a break from the fluorescent lights and cash registers.  I can go out there and just breathe.  Looking around, hearing the birds sing and watch them play reminds me who and what I'm connected too. 
I know that I wrote not too long ago that I'm relaxing into my new season in my life.... and..... I have to admit, I'm struggling right now.  I'm trying  to strike a balance, so that I'm living the life I want.  I was moving along quite well until I went out back one evening to grab some lettuce from our little garden. I enjoyed that little moment so much!  There I was, squatting in front of the raised bed, choosing and clipping.  Walking all of maybe 50 feet to get food for our dinner.  It really stuck with me. 
Ever since then I've been brainstorming how I can add just a bit of my "former" life into my new one.  Well, add it in without making myself crazy.  I love canning and preparing a meal.  Especially a meal that primarily came from my back yard.  This week you would find me pouring over my blogs about sustainable living..... Urban homestead.... Homestead Acres....Small Measures.....Cage Free Family..... these folks are just so inspiring.  They give me that feeling like Liz Lemon in 30 Rock.... " I want to go to there"...... tending my garden, baking my bread, putting up food for winter, feeding my family really good whole foods.
I feel like a kid that's watching all the other kids play outside, while I'm stuck inside looking out the window with my nose pressed on the glass. 

I recently read an article from Married with Luggage about how you can live your dream life.  I particularly enjoyed the article about how you have to make time to do steps to get your dream.  I am currently keeping track of what I do with my time for one week as suggested in the article.  I'm hoping I find that I waste too much time on TV or something and can develop a plan to fill this need within me. 
Wish me luck friends! 

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