Saturday, April 20, 2013

Roasting Green Coffee Beans

Hey there All,

I had the pleasure of having a customer bring us some green coffee beans and what made it even better was that he roasted them for us on the spot.  Well, he didn't roast them for me, since I can't drink coffee.  Between my rosacea and my heart doing a flip flop if I drink caffeine, I had to break up with one of my favorite things in the world.... *sniff*  Now, I still drink decaf occasionally, but every body knows that it just isn't the same. Anyway, lets get back to the torture of watching fresh beans being roasted knowing I can't have any fun!

I don't know what I expected the green beans to smell like, but they smelled like nuts to me... earthy but slightly sweet. 

You can buy roasters online, but they are very pricey.  He made his own roaster with a modified popcorn popper and rotisserie parts.  He needs to do his roasting outside since it creates quite a bit of smoke.  It was a chilly windy day, so for a medium roast it took about 15 minutes. 

After it was done, he put it in a large pot tossing it in the air to blow away the chaff.  It continues to roast after being taken off the roaster, so it was important to cool it down quickly.  The smell was INCREDIBLE.  After it was cool, you could see the oils on them and looked like gourmet coffee.  It is definitely cheaper to roast your own.  He buys his beans from a website called  I don't get paid by these folks for mentioning them, but if I were to buy green beans, these guys I hear are great!  Eric enjoyed those beans for the next week of morning pots of coffee, while I just looked longingly..... it smelled so good..... I took a very small quick sip and I think I saw angels for a split second...

Until Next Time Friends

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