Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My crazy 48 hour adventure!

Hey All,

I'm kinda weirded out because I had 2 days off in a row!  What!?!  That might not be a big deal to most, but for a business owner, yeah, it's kind of a big deal.  How did I spend my 48 hours of pure bliss you ask? 

Working around the house of course.... yeah, exciting.  I know.

So exciting that I'll share it with you!  Oh I bet you're pumped for this aren't you!?  Wooohoo!  Let's get this crazy train started!

Well, the first day I did my normal cleaning up after kitty's and breakfast for everybody thing... then when it was peaceful, I mowed the back yard.... Crazy times I tell ya.... crazy!

I did take time to check on the peas that have started to sprout and put up supports for them.

I checked on my strawberry plants and I learned a gardening lesson.... Never put manure down that hasn't been aged because then you end up with this....

Actually the weeds don't look that bad in this picture, but I assure you, they are bad. Really. Bad.

I also planted our hop rhizomes that we were gifted.  These grow fast and vine so we decided to plant them like a wall on either side of our backyard so it will give us some privacy.  We hope to put up posts and train these to go across the top like a trellis. Nothing like a living awning!

By the time I finished all that it was time to scurry around the house cooking dinner and making the place presentable for hubby.  The next day I lived life like a rock star and did......

Laundry.  See I told you it was exciting!  I spent time writing out some bills and working the budget before moving on to my next crazy adventure....

Cleaning out the spare bedroom closet.  I know you're excited to see that but you'll just have to wait for its very own post.  I promise that it will be worth the wait... there's drama involved with this decluttering. 

This picture is just for fun, and wasn't even taken recently.  This was back in November when we celebrated Ashton's birthday.  I chose it, because I'm doing what I love most.  Spending time with my little man.  Even though my days off weren't the most exciting, it was perfect for me.  I stay so busy running a business that I LOVE doing simple things like working in the yard and doing laundry. It gives me a time to regroup and just be. 

What simple things do you enjoy doing when life gets hectic? 

Until Next Time Friends....

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