My body has a way of telling me to knock it off if I get too far off balance. Too much stress will usually mean a cold sore will be making an appearance, not eating enough fruits and vegetables will be told by the train slowly coming down the tracks if you know what I mean and if I reaaalllly don't pay attention to any of those signs and knock it off, my face will tell me every time I look in the mirror.
What am I talking about?
I went to the dermatologist a couple years ago and found that I, along with 16 million other Americans, have this weird skin thing.... I look like I'm forever a little flushed and pimply on my cheeks. I can usually hold it off by being gentle to my skin. No harsh soaps, stay out of the sun, no weird chemical filled lotions or moisturizers, heck, I can't even use a washrag to wash my face. It's a gentle wisp of cool water daily and a light wash in the shower with sensitive skin soap weekly. That's it. I use witchhazel to cleanse and top with coconut oil. It can't take any more.
But as of late, my skin has been rebelling like a teenager... my skin is red, bumpy, dry and prickly. It feels hot, making me want to put my cool glass to my face. I did some research and found that your eyes can even burn a bit during a flare up. I thought my eye makeup was making my eyes burn... nope.... it's the rosacea.
So I surrendered and said OK, OK, I get it..... too much pizza, coffee and sweets. Too much worrying and working and eating very little of the veggie and fruit groups. I GET IT. I give!
I started doing some research and found that folks with rosacea need to stick to a mainly alkaline diet... meaning things that don't cause your pH to go too far to acid. By acid, I mean alllll the fun stuff.... coffee, caffeine, hot drinks, (people you know how much I love my tea!) spicy foods, chocolate, cakes, sugar... meats, breads, grains, dairy... the list goes on. Now, you can have these things, but you gotta keep it at a 80/20 ratio. 80% veggies and fruits 20% acidic foods. Makes sense though. Not fun, but hey, makes sense. I also found that rosacea is tied in with your digestive health, so if your train is having trouble getting down the track, or does, but is a slow sluggish train... you are helping your rosacea to flare up. Again, makes sense right?
So here I am.... keeping it 80/20 y'all!
Now you're probably saying "Now Kim, didn't your doctor prescribe something for you to put on your face?" and the answer is yes. I tried it for a little while, but it didn't help and it actually burned worse. I also didn't feel like committing myself and face to a prescription (equals $) for the sake of trying to have a clearer face. I'm going the natural (equals cheap) route. Things are going nicely so far....
*whispering* and just so ya know, my train is starting to move down the track a little quicker....
Until Next Time Friends....
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