Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Food, The New Year and How I Plan on Ruining My Marriage

Hey Everybody,

As Christmas gets closer with the new year just around the corner, I've been doing some thinking.  *If you're my husband this is the part when you say" what did I tell you about that?"  And I sigh and say "not too"*  that joke NEVER gets old with him.... OK...moving on....

As I was saying, I've been thinking about things I want to continue in the new year and things I want to change.  One of those things is food.  We need to eat better.... not just pick out more veggies when I go to the store, but get back to eating locally.  I loved going to the farmers market a couple summers ago.  We would go there on Saturday or Sunday and have some lunch afterward.  I even went by myself quite a few times and how relaxing it was to walk from table to table to pick out food for my family.  More often than not, there was a person playing music..... so what's not to like about fresh, local food with a side of music.... awesome. Anyway, I went back to work part time in the fall of that last summer and wouldn't you know it, I had to work every weekend.  I simply quit going to the market.  I had one Sunday off a month and I usually chose that day to stay in my jammies until lunch time instead of riding to the market.  Not anymore.  TOOT! TOOT!  The train of reason has pulled into the station! 

I'm heading back to the market.  I believe the market starts up again in February.... in the mean time, I will get in touch with the local farmer who sells eggs, beef, pork and has chickens a few times a year.  We are on a tight budget, but after reading a blog I love about a lady who feeds her family fresh food, from scratch more often than not while working a full time plus job!  It can be done and it will be done.  Did I mention that this lady is also on a squeaky tight budget just like me?!?!  This girl rocks!  Swing over to Frugal by Choice, Cheap by Necessity..... she is me basically..... except blonde and has a couple kids.... but hey, you get the picture....

Now, since my husband is more picky than my son when it comes to food, this is the face I will see when I serve "weird" and "new" veggies next season.....

This is the face that will meet my gaze when I explain that we will be eating beans and maybe not as much meat as he is used to....
This is when I tell him that maybe we should consider not eating any fast food this coming year.... not looking forward to this.... !

Don't worry honey.... there will be chicken and all things pork..... just happier, less "factory-ised" (it's a real word, look it up) 

Wish me luck .... I think I should start a series called.... how I tortured my husband this week...:)

Until Next Time Friends!!

PS!  Have a WONDERFUL Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever you celebrate, make it grand!  See you next week!! 

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