Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Staring down a long road....

Hello All,  I'm at work again.... so is the life of a business owner.  But, while I'm here, I can't help but think about my little wanna be homestead.... :)  At least I'm at work while still enjoying the company of my hubby and little guy.  Ok, so let's get started!
This is my oldest kitty Di-Di.  I just had to show you her.  She's my sweetie!  She is 16 1/2 and still going strong. Although, she needs some meds! 
Here it is.  The dismal, empty sad back yard.  This is a view from my back sliding glass door.  Don't you just love the uninterrupted view of the neighbors yards?  Yea, I sooooo love being in my back yard and not have ANY privacy whatsoever!  All I can say is I will like it better when we have a FENCE!  My neighbors are nice, but sheesh!  At least I have an empty canvas to work with. 
Here's one of my new lima bean sprouts.  I have 3 total.  As you know, I have a 0 dollar budget this year, so this evening I'll be going into our crawlspace to see if I have any materials I can use to get these little guys a trellis to climb on!  I'm so excited though!  I've never grown limas before and I am hoping they will bring lots of beans to eat and to store away for winter. 
Here's lots of squash sprouts!  I'm excited for these guys.  There are easily 10 plants and I will probably need to thin them out.  They are Queen Acorn Squash.  If you've never had roasted acorn squash, you are missing out!  I'm hoping to get a lot of squash for fall and winter.  I'm going to try different recipes.  Maybe even a pie???  Hmmmmm.... that sounds interesting....
Lastly, here's my blackberry bush.  The berries are starting to ripen and I have harvested just 2 little berries so far.  I had some berries last year, but they all shriveled up in the heat before ripening. This year I have read that you gotta water water water to get them to ripen properly.  I've done that and already it's been better. 

So there you have it.  The only picture I didn't get was the onions and garlic that I have already harvested.  Trust me, it was nothing to write home about.... but it's one more step in the right direction.  So now you understand how I'm staring down one really long road.  The road ends at a beautiful, lush backyard garden and will hopefully also be surrounded by a fence.  I've already taken the pressure off myself and keep saying I'll get it done bit by bit. 

Thanks for coming along on my gardening journey!

Until next time friends!

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