Friday, June 22, 2012

Getting my mojo back....

Hello All,
  Today you find me at work, I know, again.... but I'm a happier girl.  I think I've found a good balance between the business me and the wanna be homesteader me.  Here's a picture of my flowers in the front of my house.  I know, I promised you pictures of my dismal veggie garden, but now that I think I've figured out how to put pictures on my blog.... I can do that!  I get out in the garden when we get home in the evening.  It has been so nice.  I've got a goal, but I'm not running a sprint here.... I know that it will take a looonnnggg time for me to complete my vision, but I'll get there.  One step at a time. 
I recently re dug and re weeded an over grown raised bed that used to house tomatoes or potatoes.  This time I laid down our used cardboard boxes that our shipment came in under the soil to deter the weeds.  I'm still not sure how to build up the soil.  I've got some beds that aren't working out being ground level (rain washes the soil away) so I think I'll harvest the garlic and onions from those and put that soil in my raised bed.  I've got some compost as well.  I have to make do with what I have for this year... so it's been kinda fun watching out for free stuff on craigslist and freecycle. 

We're still hanging in there on the business.  We have already beaten last months number, so slowly slowly we are getting there and eventually we will arrive.  But, hey, a girls gotta have some fun in the meantime.... and being self sufficient or at least partially will never hurt.  I've even had some thoughts on growing mushrooms...... hmmmmm..... no one else around here sells mushrooms at the farmers markets..... maybe, just maybe.....

Anyway, I better get back to work.... I'll do another post and get those pictures for you soon!

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