Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First check and summer fun

Hello All!  I'm home today finishing up some much needed cleaning and lawn care.  Hopefully the internet won't tank out on me this time! 

Anyhoo, I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the weather.  It is officially summer here in my neck of the woods, but with the temp. only reaching the low 70's today, it feels like spring! 
So lets get going.... so much to tell!
On the financial front.... we got our first paycheck from our business!  Not enough to cover our home expenses yet, but we're getting there.  We are still working our budget to the max.  We budget every dime and are looking for summer fun on the cheap this year.  SUPER cheap if at all possible.  A couple days ago I took my son to the local museum and we had a great time.  It has an awesome civil war exhibit with an interactive game type exhibit which my geeky game playing son loved!  It has all sorts of fun hands on activities and exhibits for kids, but interesting things for adults as well.  Also, they have beautiful gardens to walk through (and run through if you are an energetic 10 year old!)  It was Sunday afternoon, so we practically had the whole place to ourselves!  The best part was that the whole adventure was FREE!  I asked for a membership to the museum for christmas this past year and my sweet mama got it for me.... this means for one year, we can go anytime and not pay a thing.... this includes myself, hubby and little guy!  I totally recommend this if you have a museum that does this in your area.  The rest of the summer we'll take advantage of free movie times at the theatre, smores out in the back yard, playing in the creek and "camping" out in the back yard..... The one thing I need to find a deal on is the water park my son REALLY wants to go to..... at $7 a person it doesn't sound so bad, but since we're the crazy, self employed, not sure when we're getting our next paycheck kinda family, we need a discount.... we'll see what we can find. 
On the home front, I'm still trying to figure out a good balanced way to run a household and a business.  I tried doing a chore when I got home in the evenings, but honestly, I was so tired from working 9+ hrs a day the last thing I wanted to do is more work.  Hubby and I are still searching for what works so that we are both happy.  So, truth be told, if you come to my house, you will most likely find dishes in the sink waiting for their turn in the dishwasher, laundry that needs to be washed and bathrooms that need to be cleaned.  It's not horrible, but it's not pretty either. 
On the garden front, the bigger lettuce plants are becoming bitter, so we are using the younger sweeter ones... but they only have a bit more time till they will be done as well.  Carrots are still plugging along and I have one itty bitty basil and just one itty bitty fennel that are doing well.  I have some berries on my blackberry bush that are ripening, garlic is plugging along and some onions are managing to stay alive.  We have had a good bit of rain... so I think that's good.  I think I may put some beans out and see what happens.... if I have time.  My sweet neighbor noticed that our yard was getting away from us with the grand opening of the store and all, so he came to mow it for us while we were at work.  Part of me was relieved to see it done, but part of me was embarrassed to not have done it myself.  Oh well, it was a blessing.  I still need to do a small patch in the back and some trim work, but that's no big deal. 
On the business front, we are doing pretty well.  We had a really slow week, then a better one and now we're getting back to the full steam we were having.  Things are looking good this week so far. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me guys!  Have a great day!

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