Sunday, April 8, 2012

2 hours in.... and switching gears....

Hello everybody,  well, we have day 1 of our business being open under our belt.  It was an exciting day.  It was 2 hours in before we had our first customer and wow what a feeling!  Not bad for being a soft open and he just happened to find us on the internet and not facebook!   All and all it was a great day-- we didn't meet our average goal for an average day, but a little more than half way there on the very first day.  Now we get to change gears and enjoy the actual business side and wave goodbye to setting the business up.  It was challenging and we are proud of what we have done, but we are ready to say goodbye to that phase.... at least until we open up store #2 ;)  

Have a great day everybody and Happy Spring!  We are closed today and we are actually staying home today..... Next week, marketing!   Oh yea and on the actual homemaker side of homemaker kim, I am going to set a schedule to manage all the chores and cleaning that need to be done here home side.....

Good News-- Carrots, Lettuce, Spinach and Beans are coming up!  No sign of tomatoes or peppers yet.

Till next time friends!

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