Friday, March 7, 2014

Living within your means is OK.

Over the last few weeks, I've become a little less stressed over an obstacle that I've been dealing with for a long time. 


It was one of my goals for 2014 to continue working on, but I didn't really think I would truly arrive at the door of contentment.  I'm not perfect and I think I will always, at least sometimes, feel the little voice that says... maaaann. I want that.  I want that now.  Why not me?  But what I am saying is that I am definitely closer than I have ever been before to being content.

Every single day we are bombarded with images, commercials and shoot, even pictures of our friends on Facebook showing their latest vacation pictures or new cars, new furniture, new something. It has become almost normal to continually get new things.  Go on big vacations - quite often-- and for the love of everything holy, you HAVE to take your child to Disney World!  Also, you can't wait until they're older, you must do it before the "magic" wears off for them. 

Huh?  Anyone else scratching their heads on this new set of peer pressure?

So, at my weak points, I feel "behind" because I don't take "big" vacations often.  I don't buy new things often and we have not taken our son who is now 12, to Disney.  Tsk. Tsk. 

People are even taking pictures of their food when they go out to a restaurant.  ( I am so guilty of this!) 

With all the pressure of our society, I have come to a place where I am OK with only spending the money that I have!  I'm OK with not having money to do all the extras.  Could I go and get a credit card and take a fabulous trip?  Yep.  I would totally post them all over my facebook page so that everyone knows that I'm in the IN crowd. Totally not going to do that though.  I have X amount of dollars to work with each month and I'm OK with only using that.  I'm not borrowing a dollar from someone just to feel like I've lived a full life.

But you only live once Kim.... don't you want to make memories? 

Memories?  I make them every day.  When I kiss my son goodbye before he goes to school.  When I sit and eat breakfast with my hubby in the morning before work.  When we watch an awesome TV show together in the evening.  Talking to my son about his day while we're in the car.  I don't need to take a vacation or sit on fancy furniture to make memories. 

My days are no more special or less special than everyone elses. 

I'm here telling you.  It's OK to live within your means no matter what anyone says. 

-and to those who feel the need to check in every where- blast vacation pics a thousand times or show off your new big pile of debt of a car.... don't.  It's sad and tacky.  The only person you're impressing is the reflection in the mirror. 


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