Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Update on all the goings on!

Hey Everyone! 

Hope everyone is doing well -- and to all the momma's out there, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.

Anyway,  I thought I would do an update on all the stuff going on in Casa De Boyers....

On the home front, things are moving along.... slowly, but moving.  I'm afraid that my gardening dreams are all but washed away this year.... there is simply just no time unless I get up and out to the garden by the butt crack of dawn... and that's just not gonna happen.  I'm looking into perennial gardening.  My side garden where all my perennial plants and flowers are up and look beautiful.  I have not touched it except for mowing it once this year.  That's the garden I need.  I (in all my spare time tee-hee) hope to move my tulip bulbs to places you can actually see them.  I also want to split some of the iris that I have and move them to the bare side of the house.  That would look really pretty.  I've got some strawberries and a blackberry bush that are doing well even though I've only weeded the bed. The Black Susan's I planted last fall are coming up and taking off.... so yeah, I have to face it that a perennial garden is what I need.  I'm looking into all the fruits and veggies that are perennial. We planted about 10 hop plants on either side of the back of the house to try to provide some privacy.  They are doing great, but grow really fast and need support.  This year tomato cages will be all they need, but next year, we'll need posts with steel cables to support those babies!  Maybe some day HGTV will show up at my door and just do everything I want in 1 day!!  A girl has to dream....

On the business front, things are moving along... steadily moving.  We are so tired most days and we are working harder than we have ever worked. BUT WOW!  Is it worth it.  Not to say there aren't days that I wanna pull out my hair and long for things to be back the way they used to be, but those days are fewer and fewer.  Things are going really well and I know this is where we're supposed to be.  It feels so good to earn our own money.  We are still on a tight budget at home, but we are very purposeful with every dollar.  Even though we are not earning a very large salary right now, we are still able to set money back for savings.  We're starting to look around the house for those extras that we really don't need or want any longer to help boost the emergency fund a little quicker. 

On the kitty front, fun loving babies!  Our oldest Shade, was having trouble with her tummy and the medication is just so expensive.  We decided to not get medicine and just try a really high quality food.  It is a grain free rabbit meat based food and it has done wonders for her.  We give her a bit of either yogurt or wet food in the morning and let her eat the dry the rest of the day.  She no longer vomits and diarrhea is gone.  She has spunk in her step again and seems to feel so much better.  The other kitties are doing great.  Loving all the sun spots around the house! 

Until next time friends! 

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